Friday, November 21, 2008

Zoie's night in the tub!

We've been working really hard on Zoie's reading skills lately. One of the things I've been doing is to read to her every night from a chapter book. She's able to read some of it herself but for the most part it's just time we can snuggle in bed and listen to stories at night. She loves it. As do I.

Our latest book was Private Lily by Sally Warner. Lily is six and feeling crowded in her small apartment. She wants a space she can call her own. She tries to think of all sorts of creative ways to have her own 'room'. Some of them include sleeping under the dining room tabe, her mom's closet and... the bath tub. Zoie just cracked up when we read that chapter. She promptly asked me if she could sleep in the tub one day. I told her when we finished the book, she could. She was thrilled!

So last night was the night. Check her out....

Private Lily by Sally Warner

There's Lily in the tub.

And Zoie in the tub!

I guess Zay was felling left out. He wanted in the tub too!


Vince and I thought that with all the changes potentially going on in our life it would be nice to have a place to document it all. Mostly for us... but for all of you as well. Our friends, family and loved ones to keep up with us and what we've been doing. Please visit often, show us some comment love :) and most importantly, keep us in your prayers. We're going to need them.

Much love,

The Parkers