Monday, May 4, 2009


On our last week off we took a little trip down to Dollywood. It's no Disney World but we managed to have a pretty good time anyway. Here's a few pics...

Baby Zay :)

Zoie trying to stay cool!

And a very rare photo of Vince and I together. This doesn't happen often. Trust me!

Happy Birthday Vince!

It was a good day!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We had a nice Easter at the cottage! We colored eggs...

Zoie helped Zay draw on his.

How cute is she!??

We drew on the sidewalk...

The best $1.50 I spent! It kept them busy for a few hours!!

Zoie's bunny :)

We ate eggs!

And it seems a few raw eggs got mixed into the bunch.

The boys dared me to crack it over Mr. Vince's head and I couldn't resist!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Church at the cottage...

We had some guests for church on Sunday. Here's a few pictures...

We sing!

Zay claps!

We have special music from our visitors.

Vince preaches.

And we pray.

After church we had some fun. Here's Ben playing the guitar...

Zay, Vince and Bobby...

Zoie playing...

Zay tries so hard to play ball with the big boys...

Vince being a sillyhead!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today was beautiful!

Vince took the boys up the mountain, Zoie went to the horse barn to help with the horses so it was just Zay and I. We had some outside fun! Take a look....

Mmm... that looks pretty good!

Can I have some?

We went for a ride....

Down to the creek...

He put his feet in the water...

But really, preferred to just play with the sticks...

And a few gratuitious beautiful baby shots!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


He's as bad as the boys. Always active and as a result bumping into things and that's why he's injured his elbow. He must have hit it somehow and caused some imflammation. The Dr. seems to think it may be infected as well. He's taking some antibiotics and an imflammatory. Hopefully the swelling will start to go down soon. Keep him in your prayers!

Thanks :)

Another quick hello!

But no pic this time ;)

It's been a couple weeks since I last checked in. Just wanted to touch base and say we had a great time back in Florida for the weekend. It was nice getting to see some of you again. Unfortunately Zay and I had to leave church early to catch our flight out on Sunday. I wish we could have stayed. Hopefully another time!

We're back on at the cottage and a week in. Things are going pretty good. We had some snow and it's pretty cold again. That's not much fun. It's pretty to look at! Especially up in the mountains. But I'm not a big fan of the cold at all.

While we were down we got to visit Vince's mom in the hospital. She's still in there. Improving, thankfully, but still sick. Keep her in your prayers, if you don't mind.

Vince too. I had to convince him to take himself to the Dr this afternoon. His elbow is sore and swollen.

But overall... Parkerz are good :)

Hope you all have a nice Tuesday!!

~ P

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Just a quick hello.....

From me and Zay! Don't you just love his smile? :D

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sunny day!

The sun come out and melted the snow. It's finally warmer and last weekend we managed to get the kids out. We spent a little time at the horse barn then walked down to the field by the administration building for a game of flag football. It was a fun day!

Zoie petting the horses...

Zay had to get a peek too!

But he prefers to pet Sparky!

Isn't she pretty?

And silly too!

I want to play!!

Whoa! Those boys are fast...

Take care!!